PROJECT : Miss korea korean Hair saloon

Reinstatement works

1F with floor ciment sanding

Reinstatement of Hair saloon

- ceiling light replacing
- power terminate
- hole repair
- wall( all remove )
- painting works(all)
- bottom curve remove

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About Goldenleaf Korea

We are especialy SI(System Integration) company with digital design.It is a system integration SI company (digital media, video wall, signage monitor, maintenance), and various interior and design companies.

골든립 코리아는 시스템 통합 SI 회사이며 (디지털 미디어, 비디오 월, 사이니지 모니터, 유지 보수) , 각종 크고 작은 인테리어와 디자인을 하는 회사입니다.

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